UN Free Online Courses With Certificates For International Students are available now. The UN is a worldwide organization founded in 1945. Currently comprising 193 member countries, the United Nations and its work are guiding the goals and principles enshrined in its founding charter. The United Nations is headquartered in New York.
The United Nations has been prepared for many years to move forward with a rapidly changing world.
But one thing remains the same: this is the place on earth where all the nations of the world can come together, discuss common issues and find common solutions that benefit the whole of humanity.
About Alliance Organization:
The United Nations is now alliance with many other agencies like UNICEF, UNESCO, IMF, WTO, World Bank Group to offer free online courses to international students.
The affiliated organization is working closely with the United Nations:
- International Monetary Fund
- WORLD Bank Group
1.UNESCO Online Courses:
UNESCO is providing online free short course opportunities to students from all over the world. These courses are the completely self-run curriculum.
2.UNICEF Organization:
The organization is providing an online short course opportunity in more than Six languages with 119 e-learning free courses.
3. International Monetary Fund online courses:
The IMF working in several countries. More than 60 thousand students enroll in free IMF courses each year. IMF Online Courses is an open platform for all. The IMF training curriculum contains a wide range of knowledge for candidates.
WORLD Bank Group online courses:
The Open Learning Campus is providing this golden opportunity under the auspices of the World Bank Group. OLC accelerates development solutions by transforming various disciplines into practical education.
About online free online Courses:
Free UN online courses with certificates for international students are now open. ​Many students were looking forward to this wonderful opportunity. So now here comes a huge scholarship that will help you. has come. There is no restriction on nationality or previous educational qualifications. Learn some skills and become an expert through this platform. UNICEF, WHO, IMF, UNESCO, and World Bank are offering short online courses.
Brief Detail of courses:
- Name of Organization: United Nations
- Number of Courses: Unlimited
- Cost: Free of cost
- Certificates: Free of cost
- No deadline for these courses
- Duration of Courses:
- The duration of courses is about 4 to 7 weeks and required 3 hours per week
How to Apply for courses?
The whole process is online. All you have to do is mention your first name along with your date of birth. Then sign up for registration to these courses.